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Beacon Bay Reviews

Linda Xolisa Mcoyana
05 January 2021

It's a leafy suburb and friendly atmosphere.

Superb. 5 out of 5
28 January 2020

Located in a very nice area and has all the shops one needs.

Superb. 5 out of 5
Ervin Cannon
19 December 2019


Superb. 5 out of 5
Odette Olivier
13 March 2019

Nice place

Fabulous. 4 out of 5
Jo Kearney
09 August 2018

Great amenities close to accommodation.

Fabulous. 4 out of 5
Linda Dos santos-Chamane
29 July 2018

The fact that it is well located, has amazing views from the top, very quiet.

Superb. 5 out of 5

About Holiday Homes

Holiday Homes offer the ultimate in private accommodation. A private home converted for holiday use, you can stay under your own rules and with no outside interference. With all basic amenities they often include wifi, cleaning services and facilities to Dstv. Holiday Homes are fairly common and often affordable means of accommodation. Another great option to consider if you have a family to take care of. Being converted from private homes, you can find them in all shapes and sizes to suit your needs.