Knysna Heights Self Catering Accommodation
Destinations Related to Knysna Heights Self Catering
Leisure Isle, Knysna Quays, Rexford, Kanonkop, West Hill, Brenton on Sea, Knysna Central , Sparrenbosch, Lake Brenton, Pezula, Knysna, Old Place, Welbedacht, Paradise, Hunters Home, Upper Old Place, Thesen Islands, Rheenendal, The Heads, Costa Sarda
Nearby Attractions & Landmarks: Knysna Waterfront
Knysna Heights Reviews
More info about Knysna Heights
Knysna Heights is a suburb in Knysna, on the northern banks of the Knysna River in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.
The suburb’s sylvan setting has majestic views over the Knysna River and lagoon, stretching all the way to the Heads, the large natural bastions on either side of the river mouth.
Knysna is known as the Jewel of the Garden Route, the perfect platform from which to explore this scenic stretch of South Africa’s coastline. Knysna is one of those places that when you arrive, you dream about staying permanently.
Things to do
Hike through the Knysna forest, starting at Diepwalle forestry station, passing giant yellowwood trees, rare birdlife and a possible glimpse of the elusive Knysna elephant.
Visit the town of Knysna to experience a wide range of activities including shopping, water sports and a vibrant restaurant scene.
West of Knysna Heights lies the Millwood gold rush town. In 1876, gold diggers rushed... Show more
About Self Catering
Self Catering places can be found from rural to urban areas and can vary in what they offer. They allow plenty freedom and is a great inexpensive way to spend your holiday. They have been widely classified as a “Home away from home”. This is a good option for guests who don’t mind cooking their own food, and are looking for a more independent and flexible form of accommodation. For budget and large families, we would recommend self-catering for a more personalised experience.