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Lagoon Beach Reviews

More info about Lagoon Beach

The suburb of Lagoon Beach is a small strip of prime beach property approximately 1km along the beachfront. On the northern end, the fresh waters of the Diep River flow into Table Bay. Lagoon Beach is a 15 minute drive from Cape Town city centre.

Prior to 1985 and the construction of Cape Town’s harbour and reclamation of land in the Foreshore area, Lagoon Beach would have been roughly 100m inland. Today it’s up against the shoreline and has magnificent views of Table Mountain and of ships entering the bay.

A world class hotel is located in the suburb and public transport is within easy walking distance. The sunsets like those experienced here would surely have inspired Mahatma Ghandi’s quote "When I admire the wonder of a sunset, or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the Creator."

Things to do

Tou can take a leisurely walk along the Diep River to... Show more