Self Catering Accommodation Near Madiba Trail
*All distances listed are as the crow flies, and not actual travel distances.
Madiba Trail Reviews
More info about Madiba Trail
The Madiba Trail is a route that follows the life of Nelson Mandela and spans 4 provinces in South Africa. The word Madiba is Nelson Mandela’s Xhosa clan name and adopted by his adoring public as an affectionate moniker.
The trail begins in the Eastern Province town of King William’s Town, and although Mandela never lived here, a stop-in at the Amathole Museum is a good starting point to learn of the Xhosa culture. From here, the route continues north to Mthatha to visit the Nelson Mandela Museum which includes a beautifully designed photo display of Mandela’s life and an array of personal items, followed by a trip to the Community Museum and Youth & Heritage Centre in Qunu where visitors can experience some of his childhood, namely his old school – now in ruin, the family graveyard and the church where he was baptised.
Next stop on the journey is the Nelson Mandela Yard Interpretation... Show more
About Self Catering
Self Catering places can be found from rural to urban areas and can vary in what they offer. They allow plenty freedom and is a great inexpensive way to spend your holiday. They have been widely classified as a “Home away from home”. This is a good option for guests who don’t mind cooking their own food, and are looking for a more independent and flexible form of accommodation. For budget and large families, we would recommend self-catering for a more personalised experience.