Swimming Pool Accommodation Near Newtown Cultural Precinct
*All distances listed are as the crow flies, and not actual travel distances.
Newtown Cultural Precinct Reviews
More info about Newtown Cultural Precinct
It’s the happening place in Johannesburg, where an arts, culture and heritage collective has been brought together in a public space for the appreciation of the general public. The Newtown Cultural Precinct was created in a rundown area that is attracting the crowds, with 4 art galleries alone, museums, theatres, boutique shops, jazz and other music clubs and a host of café’s and buzzing restaurants. Eclectic artwork from renowned artists and fresh new talent can be found here while cutting edge, archetypal African designs that are muscling their way onto the international fashion scene, are available for purchase in Newtown.
Public art is scattered throughout the entire area that include a series of over 500 carved heads and a stunning bronze likeness of Brenda Fassie, one of South Africa’s past colourful musical characters.
The name Newtown was given to the area in 1904 after a slum district was cleared to make way for a new industrial... Show more