Self Catering Accommodation Near Oppikoppi
*All distances listed are as the crow flies, and not actual travel distances.
Oppikoppi Reviews
More info about Oppikoppi
The most anticipated music event of the year (for those who live in the northern regions of South Africa at least) is Oppikoppi, a big bash music festival that takes place in the small mining town of Northam in Limpopo Province.
Oppikoppi, an Afrikaans portmanteau meaning ‘on the hill’, runs for 3 days in August on the top of a hill and receives crowds of around 20000. The camping site is at its base and the main acts appear at the top stage, and with the vast amount of festive human traffic strolling between the two locations, the place quickly becomes a dustbowl. But no-one cares, they are there to enjoy the music, party with friends and make new ones while the alcohol flows. Even the police patrolling the perimeter get into the groove and adopt a relaxed attitude to the craziness.
Seven stages pumping out music gives festivalgoers the chance to see some of the... Show more
About Self Catering
Self Catering places can be found from rural to urban areas and can vary in what they offer. They allow plenty freedom and is a great inexpensive way to spend your holiday. They have been widely classified as a “Home away from home”. This is a good option for guests who don’t mind cooking their own food, and are looking for a more independent and flexible form of accommodation. For budget and large families, we would recommend self-catering for a more personalised experience.