Robertson Accommodation
4.7 - 13 Guest ReviewsDestinations Related to Robertson Accommodation
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Robertson Reviews
The natural beauty. Pies from Affie Plaas.
Hiking trails and restaurants.
Plenty to do. Abundance of wine farms. Beautiful views.
Quaint little town. Friendly people. Lots to do.
Ek is gebore en getoeë van Robertson. Dit sal altyd my hartsplekkie wees. Was aangenaam verras om Die Laaitjie op jul webtuiste te sien. Dit was oorspronklik my oorlede pa se suster en haar man se plaas. My pa het op die aangrensende plaas geboer. Ek en my broers het saam met die neefs Die Laaitjie plat gespeel. Die waterval was daardie jare al 'n groot aantrekkingskrag vir kuiergaste. Oujaarsaande is groot makietie hier gehou. Selfs die dorps inwoners het kom meedoen. Dankie vir die mooi fotos. Ek kon so bietjie in my kinderskoene terug stap.
Robertson is really a gem in the Cape Winelands, great wine tasting and dining (Christina's @ Van Loveren, Bourbon Street, Four Cousins, Excelsior) experience all in an authentic environment. A short drive from CT, ideal for a relaxing weekend at a small town pace, to recharge your batteries.
Centrally located.
The accommodation.
The tranquility.
The hospitality.
The finer touches.
Absolutely everything!
- Wine farms.
- Walk around the town.
- Springfield Wine State.
The Golf Course was challenging but very good condition. Bourbon Street Restaurant had great menu and great service.
More info about Robertson
Founded in 1853, the town was named after Reverend Dr William Robertson, and boasts a proud architectural heritage. Robertson is located in the heart of Route 62, the longest wine route in the world which stretches all the way from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth. From Cape Town its 1.5 hours drive via Paarl and Worcester. It is situated in the shadow of the majestic Langeberg Mountains with the Breede River as its life blood. With 150 years of history, Robertson has grown into one of the most attractive Cape Wine land towns, with Victorian buildings, jacaranda-lined streets and beautiful gardens.
Robertson known as the valley of wine and roses has a pleasant moderate climate, warm welcoming people, in a valley of great natural beauty - that’s Robertson in a nutshell. Robertson is renowned for its wines of connoisseur quality, radiant roses and thoroughbred horses. Robertson’s appeal is wide and broad. No matter what... Show more