Self Catering Accommodation Near Rust de Winter Nature Reserve
*All distances listed are as the crow flies, and not actual travel distances.
Rust de Winter Nature Reserve Reviews
More info about Rust de Winter Nature Reserve
Lying within Limpopo Province, in a crux that borders both the Gauteng and Mpumalanga Provinces is the 1200ha Rust de Winter Nature Reserve. At some point the area was named Rust de Winter, meaning calm winter in Dutch, and a section was set aside as a nature reserve around an enormous irrigation dam. The dam occupies almost half of the entire reserve. The Eland River flows into the dam which is a sought after destination for anglers and lovers of water sports. Crocodile and hippo inhabit sections of the dam and care must be taken when entering the water.
The reserve is made up mostly of woodland, thicket along the river’s edge and grassland in the flatter parts. A number of hiking routes have been mapped out along routes where various buck species, zebra, giraffe, baboon and warthog are likely to be encountered.
Fishermen visit to catch bass, carp and yellows, while boaters arrive on weekends... Show more
About Self Catering
Self Catering places can be found from rural to urban areas and can vary in what they offer. They allow plenty freedom and is a great inexpensive way to spend your holiday. They have been widely classified as a “Home away from home”. This is a good option for guests who don’t mind cooking their own food, and are looking for a more independent and flexible form of accommodation. For budget and large families, we would recommend self-catering for a more personalised experience.