Umkomaas Backpacker Accommodation
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Durban, Morningside, Pennington, Hillcrest, Durban Beachfront, Westville, Bluff, Mjejane Private Nature Reserve, Glenwood, Hibberdene, Berea, Kloof, Scottburgh, Amanzimtoti, Pinetown
Nearby Attractions & Landmarks: Aliwal Shoal
Umkomaas Reviews
The people in Umkomaas.
More info about Umkomaas
Once a sleepy retirement village, the town of Umkomaas was transformed in the 1950s by the installation of an Italian-staffed and Italian machine-supplied rayon and cellulose factory. By the late 1960s, half of Umkomaas’ residents were Italian immigrants and their influence helped to grow the town into the thriving seaside resort of today.
The Zulu king Shaka who, after watching female whales with their calves in the estuary, called the river uMkhomazi (place of cow whales) and the town alongside took on the same name, albeit rather distorted.
But for the river regularly silting up, Umkomaas might have become a harbour port. Fortunately for vacationers and nature lovers, this never happened and the Umkomaas beaches and river can be forever enjoyed by visitors that flock to this strip of coastline annually.
Top 6 reasons to visit Umkomaas
1. Lounge in the sun and swim in the warm Indian Ocean at Umkomaas Beach. This section of... Show more
About Backpacker
For those who are a little adventurous and enjoy the company of other travellers, you can decide to stay at a Backpackers. Often having to share a room with others as well as costs, it is incredibly inexpensive. Often the best choice for those who may be just passing through or will be occupied for the majority of their day. It comes with the most basic amenities and is often formed as part of a bar or similar establishment. Not recommended for those who want privacy, this is best suited for those who wouldn’t mind meeting various other interesting travellers.