Self Catering Accommodation Near V&A Waterfront
*All distances listed are as the crow flies, and not actual travel distances.
Nearby Attractions & Landmarks: Table Mountain, Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, Long Street, South African Museum and Planetarium, Two Oceans Marathon, Noon Gun, Castle of Good Hope, Robben Island, Newlands Brewery, Lions Head, Koopmans-de Wet House, Chavonnes Battery Museum, Two Oceans Aquarium, The Company's Garden, Newlands Stadium, Langa Township, Heart of Cape Town Museum, District Six Museum, Holocaust Centre, South African National Gallery , Rhodes Memorial, Greenmarket Square, Orange Kloof, Blue Train, Whisky Live Festival, Long Street Baths, Signal Hill, St George's Cathedral, Bayside Mall
V&A Waterfront Reviews
More info about V&A Waterfront
The Victoria & Alfred Waterfront in Cape Town is situated on the Atlantic shore, Table Bay Harbour, the City of Cape Town and Table Mountain. Adrian van der Vyver designed the complex.
About Self Catering
Self Catering places can be found from rural to urban areas and can vary in what they offer. They allow plenty freedom and is a great inexpensive way to spend your holiday. They have been widely classified as a “Home away from home”. This is a good option for guests who don’t mind cooking their own food, and are looking for a more independent and flexible form of accommodation. For budget and large families, we would recommend self-catering for a more personalised experience.